Feast Calendar

Here is my Feast calendar for the next year – containing the dates I will be celebrating the Biblical feasts, for those interested.

Yom Teruah – Feast of Trumpets – evening of Friday 28th September to evening of 29th September 2018 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of Thursday 27th September to Friday 28th September 2018 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement – evening of Sunday 7th October to evening of Monday 8th October 2018 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of Saturday 6th October to evening of Sunday 7th October 2018 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles – evening of Friday 12th October to evening of Saturday 20th October 2018 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of Thursday 11th October to evening of Friday 19th October 2018 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Chanukkah – Hanukkah – evening of Friday 21st December to evening of Saturday 29th December 2018 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of Thursday 20th December to evening of Friday 28th December 2018 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Nicanor – evening of Sunday 10th March to evening of Monday 11th March 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of Saturday 9th March to evening of Sunday 10th March 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Purim – evening of Monday 11th March to evening of Wednesay 13th March 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 10th March to evening of 12th March 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Pesach – Passover – evening of 31st March to evening of 1st April 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 30th March to evening of 31st March 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Matsah – Unleavened Bread – evening of 1st April to evening of 8th April 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 31st March to evening of 7th April 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Shavuot – Pentecost – evening of 25th May to evening of 26th May 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 25th May to evening of 26th May 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Yom TeruahFeast of Trumpets – evening of 28th September to evening of 29th September 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 27th September to evening of 28th September 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement – evening of 7th October to evening of 8th October 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 6th October to evening of 7th October 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Sukkot – Tabernacles – evening of 12th October to evening of 20th October 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 11th October to evening of 19th October 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

Channukah – Hanukkah – evening of 21st December to evening of 29th December 2019 (timezones east of Jerusalem); evening of 20th December to evening of 28th December 2019 (timezones west of Jerusalem).

So, those are my feast dates for the rest of this year and all of next year.  Ask YAH to guide you in the calendar.

24 thoughts on “Feast Calendar

  1. Recall that the only “book” not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls was Esther, so Purim is highly suspect. Also, what is your basis for dating Chanukah? The “Feast of the Dedication” is listed in the NT, but no dates are provided. The Feast of the Dedication is listed in 2 Chronicles 7 — but clearly shows that it aligned with Sukkot as the day AFTER the feast was the 23rd of the seventh month (v10); see bit.ly/DSSCalendar.


      1. That’s what I’m trying to get people to understand… the Maccabees/Hasmoneans were USURPERS of the Levitical priesthood from the sons of Zadok; that is NOT a good thing! In fact, the worst of these usurpers was John Hyrcanus; his deeds — including robbing from the treasury of David at least twice and proselytizing Idumeans/Edomites by the sword among other things — is why he is known as the Wicked Priest in the DSS. Bottom line: The Second Temple was STILL considered defiled, and the “miracle” of the oil lasting eight days is highly suspect….

        The sons of Zadok left Jerusalem and helped establish The Way (Heb. HaDerech) at Qumran. John (Yochanan) and his father Zechariah were both Levites; that’s why John became “strong in Spirit” in the desert wilderness of Qumran (Luke 1:80)! Why else would parents advanced in age allow their only son to live in the desert as a child? It is because first born sons of The Way were dedicated to the Lord and sent to Qumran to study. These were chaste, male Israelites! What reference is made to chaste, male Israelites in the Bible? The 144,000! The Pharisees and Sadducees certainly were not chaste. And these sons were literally redeemed with silver in the Temple treasure per Torah. Read Revelation 14:1-5 with that knowledge. This did not happen overnight but over the course of nearly three centuries — two before Christ’s birth up to Masada. After that, The Way disappeared from history…

        One also has to understand that Kislev is assimilated from the Babylonian calendar used to this day; see http://bit.ly/WhyDSSCalendar. Pharisaism is Christ’s time became modern rabbinic Judaism (Matthew 23:8); in fact, read ALL of Matthew 23. Even Josephus was a self-proclaimed Pharisee, who coined the derogatory term “Essenes” (=pious ones) used incorrectly to this day!

        Modern Jerusalem — and by extension Israel — is Mystery Babylon! See http://bit.ly/MysteryBabylonIsJerusalem. That is why an UNDEFILED New Jerusalem, the Heavenly Kingdom, will descend from the New Heaven to the New Earth; see http://bit.ly/ChagSukkot.

        I honestly hope that your readership and you are getting these very important points… May you be written in the Book of Life.


        1. Well, Yeshua thought it important to be in Jerusalem in the Temple on Hanukkah. It is interesting that in Maccabees, it is said that the stones from the defiled altar were set aside in a convenient spot (near the Temple) until a prophet should come to reveal what to do with them. The Jews confronted Him about His Messiahship at the Temple, hoping He would reveal what to do with the stones. When His answer didn’t satisfy them, they ironically tried to stone Him with the very same stones.
          It is interesting that shortly before Hanukkah – in John 10:11-18 – Yeshua talked about laying down His life. And a major theme of Hanukkah is the martyrs (during the time of the Maccabees) who laid down their lives for the Torah and for Israel.


        2. As for John Hyracnus’ faults: how many Biblical figures were different? David and his men ate the shewbread – which was strictly for the priests! And Jehu was righteous for enforcing Yah and Torah at the point of a sword.


          1. Re: John Hyrcanus… No other proselytized by the sword; he was unique in that regard — more like a Muslim than a Jew. Also, no other looted David’s tomb (twice!); that didn’t go over well with most of Israel. For those unaware of this figure; see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hyrcanus.

            However, I will agree that ALL of the Biblical patriarchs have their faults; in fact, that may be the topic of my third book to humanize them more. David’s eating the showbread was the least of his transgressions, yet he was still loved.


  2. The Feast of the Dedication in John 10:22-23 referenced this event from the time of the Maccabees/Hasmoneans; see https://www.gotquestions.org/Feast-of-Dedication.html. Recall that they usurped the priesthood from the sons of Zadok; see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Zadok.

    When the priesthood was usurped, the sons of Zadok considered the Second Temple to be defiled, and the “sect” called The Way (Heb. HaDerech) setup their center of learning in the desert wilderness of Qumran. These were the “wise men of the east” — about 15 miles as the crow flies. See bit.ly/TheWayPennedDSS and bit.ly/TheWayInActs. This is all supported by the DSS. Josephus, a self-described Pharisee (Matthew 23), later coined the derogatory term “Essenes” (=pious ones) for this sect.


      1. Yehoshu’a could’ve called upon 12 legions of angels if He so desired (Matthew 26:53), but He knew His destiny. As soon as He began His ministry, the Pharisees desired to kill Him (Matthew 23).


  3. Not necessarily. Yehoshu’a went to there as another teaching opportunity; the Jewry were simply gathering in Jerusalem during the false Maccabean Dedication; there are NO APPOINTED TIMES IN THE WINTER! See http://bit.ly/DSSCalendar. Regardless, the majority of the Jews did not believe He is the Messiah; see https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+10%3A22-39&version=NASB. Remember: The Way was intended to the Jews FIRST, then the Greeks (Gentiles). The root of the natural olive tree (Israel) is the Word; we are grafted in because of their disbelief — natural branches were broken off! See https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+11&version=NASB.

    Note that abominations were committed in Jerusalem in the “wise” Solomon’s Temple. I find vv14-15 very interesting; see https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel+8&version=NASB. Who is the fourth (or tenth!) month named after? Tammuz! It is an abomination, and it has carried forward to modern times.


      1. Those Babylonian/Assyrian month names are employed in the Scriptures AFTER the Babylonian capacity demonstrating a corruption of the calendar of El Elyon. If you dig deeper into the NT, you will discover that was one of the primary points of contention between The Way and the Pharisees/Sadducees. Even “new moon” was translated from Jewish PRACTICE after the captivity rather than properly translating “chodesh,” which means “month” NOT “moon;” see https://biblehub.com/hebrew/2320.htm. Again, why is this important? Because God will perform His signs on His mo’edim (appointed times), and the Adversary will use the Masoretic (Babylonian-based) calendar to accomplish his. Those who follow the latter will be deceived! So, everyone has a choice to make… believe in what God Most High provided or a corruption of it. This will be my last post on this topic; people can do with this information what they will: http://bit.ly/GodsCalendar.


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