Sunshine Blogger Award




Dee from, Lander7 from, Rad Gamer from and Atul Depak from have all nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award.  In addition, Chiru from has left an open nomination for the award, and I’ve decided to take it up.


Here are my previous awards:

  1. Blogging Award
  2. Sunshine Blogger Award
  3. Mystery Blogger Award
  4. Blogger Recognition Award
  5. Awesome Impact Award

The rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.


Who is your best friend and what do you have in common?

My family and I don’t have many in the way of personal friends.  With online friends, it’s probably Anamika and bottomlesscoffee007.

What is your favorite animal and why?

Probably a T-Rex.  ‘Cause they’re dinosaurs, they’re big and scary, and I’m a huge fan of Jurassic Park.

Words of wisdom for someone?

Seek YEHOVAH (The Lord) and His Son YEHOSHUA (Jesus).

What is the book that you would recommend that everyone read?

If it’s non-fiction, then apart from the Bible, Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky.  Incredible little-known history of past global catastrophes.

What is your favorite thing to do on a daily basis?

Spend time with God.  Read.  Watch.

Where is your favorite place to go and why?

The library.  We visit often.  I enjoy borrowing books and DVDs.

What is a word that describes you best?  Why?

Hmm.  That’s a tough one.  “Genius” isn’t humble enough.  “Humble” isn’t accurate enough.  “Introverted” works nicely.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?


What do you consider to be the priority of your life?

Serving God.

Tell us your favorite author and why.

James Rollins.  I love his Sigma Force novels.  They’re sci-fi action-adventures (made as scientifically accurate as possible), always connected to the Bible in some way or another (a little bit like Indiana Jones).

What is one thing that you wish everyone knew about you?

I’m hugely shy.  Seriously – I have a literal phobia of phone, lone Skype, and lone personal conversations (well, some lone personal conversations – depends on the person I’m talking to).



Do you think mankind can one-day end rape?

No.  Only God can do that – likely in the Millennium.


Which is more valuable to the world, it’s children or their parents?



Do you think we should end cash and replace it with digital currency?

Absolutely NOT!


Which is more satisfying, Love or Lust?

Probably love.


If you could only keep one which would it be, Sports OR Libraries?

Definitely libraries.  I have no interest whatsoever in sports (and never watch them).


Would a body cam on every human on Earth make the world a better place?

No.  It would be Orwellian.


Is it right for a person to love a pet more than they love themselves?

I dunno.


Do you think the human race should merge with computers?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Would you rather know who Killed Kennedy or what is in Area 51?

I already more or less “know” who killed Kennedy.  I would like to know what’s in Area 51.


Which is money doing more; helping or hurting the human race?

It depends on who’s using it and for what.


What’s deadlier, Terrorism or McDonalds?

It’d be hard to say McDonalds with a straight face, so I’ll go with terrorism.


Rad didn’t ask any, so I’m using the ones he was asked.

What is your goal in your life?

Um… getting through today?

Mention your most favorite destination?

Don’t really have any.

What are the best life teaching movie you have ever seen till now?

Not “movies”, but some Messianic DVDs.

Narrate one incident that changed your life?

I’ll pass.

What will you do if you have one chance to go back in time?

Find out for certain who Jack the Ripper was.

What is the best decision you have taken in your life? 

Starting a blog, perhaps?

Do you think Humans still deserve to live in this world and why?

We’ve never been deserving of anything.  That’s why God sent His Son to die for us.

Best quote you remember.

In WarGames: The Dead Code (2008) (which I’m watching right now) when two characters are talking and one refers to the other’s girlfriend as “your future ex-wife”.

What gives you satisfaction of living your life.

Not sure (as in can’t nail it down).  POSSIBLY interacting with other bloggers.

One best advise to fellow bloggers you can give. 

I’ll quote Rad’s answer here:

Be yourself when you blog and people will love your blog.

Introvert or extrovert?




Who according to you has been the most influential person in the history of Humankind? And why?

Yeshua ha’Mashiach (Jesus the Christ), unequivocally, no question.  He’s the only person ever to have divided history.  Everything is dated in relation to His approximate year of birth.  He forever altered human history.  Without Christianity, our modern-day Western nations and lifestyles simply wouldn’t exist – there’d simply be a bunch of warring pagan tribes in different part of the world (including in Europe).  He is THE most influential person in history.  Some try to claim Darwin and Mohammed were, but what about them compares to the above?


What according to you can make the world free from nuclear-weapons?

The return of Jesus Christ.  Literally THE only thing that could.


What according to you can solve the hunger and malnutrition problem in the world?

The return of Jesus Christ.


What according to you can free your society from patriarchy?

In Western nations, there is no such thing as a patriarchy.  Hasn’t been for ages.  (And it has yet to be explained what’s evil about it.)


What according to you is the reason for low number of inter-caste marriages in India?

I’m Aussie; not exactly an Indian expert.  I could be mistaken, but I was under the impression it was due to Hindu religious beliefs.


What according to you is the best solution to the problem of corruption?

Nothing we do can prevent corruption from existing.  Minus mass mind control – but that, of course, is corruption of the strongest kind.


Should death penalty be abolished?

In Australia, it already has been.  But it shouldn’t have been.  And in the US etc, it shouldn’t.  There are a number of cases of rapists, murderers, etc, getting parole (or completing their gaol terms) and doing it again.  Even once is way too much.  Death penalty, on the other hand, absolutely prevents the killer/rapist from destroying – or ending – an innocent life; 100% efficiency.  To quote a line from The Magnificent Seven Ride!, “Judge Parker told me once, ‘The men I hang never killed again. There are plenty I didn’t hang, did.’ Now you tell me he was wrong.”


What qualities in a person impresses you?

I’d have to think on that.


If UN headquarters were to be shifted, in which city you would want it to be shifted and why?

I’d rather there not be any UN.  It’s useless – not to mention biased against Israel and Jews (yes, Jews) and favourable to terrorists, and quite idiotic (such as calling for the banning of spanking).  I would love them to move to hell.


What according to you could have possibly averted the partition of India?

As stated – not an Indian expert.


What according to you can peacefully unite the whole subcontinent into one nation?

Same answer as above.



What do you think about the Almighty?

Well, He’s the Almighty.  The all-powerful, all-knowing, caring, loving Creator YEHOVAH.


If there were no mobile phones, how would you communicate with each other?

Letters and visits.  And landlines.


Best quote you have ever come across.

See answer to Rad Gamer’s same question.  I will add another Dead Code quote, part of a conversation:

FALKEN: You, just play dead.

WILL: What if it doesn’t work?

FALKEN: Then they’ll [the authorities] save you the trouble of having to pretend.


What is the best place in India to see the natural beauty?

Never been to India, so don’t know.


One advise to bloggers.

See answer to Rad Gamer’s question.


Do you think parallel universe exist?

No, I don’t.  I believe in other dimensions – the spirit realm – but not parallel universes.


Will you vote for the same government again that is ruling currently?

A fitting question since the next Australian federal election is less than 5 months away.  I won’t be voting directly for the current Liberal/National coalition government, but I will give them my two-party-preferred preference (over Labor).


Disaster movies you have ever watched?

  • Independence Day (1996)
  • Deep Impact (1998)
  • Armageddon (1998)
  • The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
  • 2012 (2009)
  • San Andreas (2015)
  • Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
  • Geostorm (2017)

All quite good – with the possible exception of 2012 (but I haven’t seen that since I was a kid, so I might have a different opinion if I were to see it now).  Also Airport (1970), Airport 1975 (1974), The Towering Inferno (1974), WarGames (1983), Apocalypse (1998), Apocalypse II: Revelation (1999), Ice Age 2 (2006), WarGames: The Dead Code (2008), Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (2012), Planes: Fire and Rescue (2013) and Skyscraper (2018).  I enjoyed all of them – with the exception of Ice Age 4, which is just plain stupid.


It’s an open nomination.  Anyone can participate.


One advise to bloggers.

If UN headquarters were to be shifted, in which city you would want it to be shifted and why?

Who according to you has been the most influential person in the history of Humankind? And why?

Narrate one incident that changed your life?

What is your favorite animal and why?

Do you think we should end cash and replace it with digital currency?

What is the book that you would recommend that everyone read?

What will you do if you have one chance to go back in time?

Introvert or extrovert?

What is a word that describes you best?  Why?

Do you think the human race should merge with computers?

If you do participate, have fun!




























40 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. One advise to bloggers.
    — Don’t follow anyone who posts more than two posts a day.
    If UN headquarters were to be shifted, in which city you would want it to be shifted and why?
    — it should actually be done away with, but that won’t happen until it has served the purpose of playing God.

    Who according to you has been the most influential person in the history of Humankind? And why?
    – I don’t like this answer, but I must go with Satan. Most don’t believe in him, yet his tactics are among the most followed of human actions. He operates under the guise “what you don’t know can’t hurt you. But without Jesus once you bite, your hooked.
    Narrate one incident that changed your life?
    — My last answer probably gave this away. I found the messiah following the birth of my first child. The miracle of childbirth and all that goes with it caused me to take a hard look at what really is truth. I found Jesus to be the truth — having no beginning, but operating until His birth as the word of God.
    What is your favorite animal and why?
    — I love horses. They offer much pleasure. And they will take you places that you may never have gone.

    Do you think we should end cash and replace it with digital currency?
    — no, but it will all one day let us down.

    What is the book that you would recommend that everyone read?
    — the Bible, beginning with the the book of John, and then Genesis.

    What will you do if you have one chance to go back in time?
    — I expect there will be many in eternity. I would like to enter knowing what I do, the Reformation.

    Introvert or extrovert?
    Began life as an introvert who transitioned.
    What is a word that describes you best? Why?
    — focused. I tend to need to understand as much as is possible about anything in which I have an interest.

    Do you think the human race should merge with computers?
    — no way.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Movies happen to be dear to my heart.
        We were just discussing the historical, scientific, and moral significance of movies.
        We came to the ovious conclusion that movies are as bad as drugs to an addict or alcohol to a drunkard.
        This is personally hard on me, so I’m not judging you. I just believe that the truth overrules our personal sinful nature, as hard as it may be.
        Your movie choices are rather…gorryish in themselves, personally speaking.

        Liked by 1 person

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